I first started with the team at Rock Prodigy in 2010 doing song transcriptions for the initial release of Rock Prodigy. Transcribing songs like
The Thrill is Gone, Smoke on the Water and a live version of Steve Vai's For the Love of God, just to name a few.
Soon this transitioned to bringing on friends to transcribe and managing and proofing their transcriptions.
Transcribing, Managment, Proofing
How to Play Guitar Curriculum
The next phase of the companies development is what would become the core value of the product to this day.
The guitar lesson courses are a unique interactive learning experience.
Four courses with hundreds of songs, lessons, exercises and blogs to help any aspiring guitar play either just starting out or looking to take their playing to new heights.
For more information on Rock Prodigy visit the website at rockprodigy.com.
Rock Prodigy can also be found with the Fender Slide and the DG8 acoustic guitar.
While supplies last Rock Prodigy can also be purchased at a discounted price at your local Guitar Center.
In addition to the core product Rock Prodigy. We also produced a series of artist apps which had song transcriptions, lessons on how to play the songs and "nuggets" from the artist themselves. Part of my job would be to sit down with the artists and capture them talking about key insights that go into their style of playing, writing, and artistry.
The company teamed up with Musicians Institute in Hollywood to create another product called Music Prodigy.
Music Prodigy is a great software that teachers can use to track their students practicing and progress and also upload homework assignments.
Choir Prodigy is a unique program that uses vowel recognition to help singers develop their singing. The unique concept and technology of this app is pioneered by Richard Gard at Yale and Zeyu Jin from Princeton.